About Gender Without Identity, by Jonathan House, M.D.
Jonathan House, M.D., is the General Editor of The Unconscious in Translation and member of the Conseil Scientifique of the Foundation Jean Laplanche.
My pleasures in publishing this book are polymorphous.
As the founder of The Unconscious in Translation, my dominant pleasure is pride, a pride readers of the book will immediately understand. Most importantly the pride that as solidly as a book can be, as solidly as intellectual work can be, this is a contribution to making our world a better place.
My pride and my pleasure in their ideas are doubled by the clarity of their writing. Much as I value our fundamental metaphysical categories and concepts like sublation and overdetermination and the interpenetration of opposites, whenever possible Saketopoulou and Pellegrini are more likely to use words and concepts like complexity and nuance, like growth and flourishing.
As a member of the Conseil Scientifique of La Fondation Jean Laplanche - Nouveaux Fondements pour la Psychanalyse, my dominant pleasure lies in the ways this book furthers the goal of the Foundation: “to contribute to the development of psychoanalysis in France and abroad, in the spirit that inspired the scientific life of the founder.”
Finally, this book provides me the surplus pleasure of repaying in small part the kindness shown to me by Jean and Nadine Laplanche.
—Jonathan House M.D.
By Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini